Fastlane Featured Product: Airstar Balloons

Occasionally, we at Fastlane like to share a product that we love! This month we present the versatile Airstar. Airstar Balloons were developed in 1994 as a lighting system that works for a variety of applications. They combine the latest lighting technology with a spherical fabric envelope bringing a simple, beautiful touch to any lighting design. They can be set up on floor stands or hung from the ceiling to light a large area or they can be placed around the room to enhance decorations or installations. 

Lighting is often overlooked as an important element in an event but makes the difference between a good event and a great one. Well-designed lighting is the invisible force that impacts the atmosphere and comfort of a venue more than almost anything. Poor lighting can make your guests feel fatigued if the color is unbalanced and harsh. If the room is too dark and moody it can sometimes be frustrating to move around. Lighting needs change depending on the purpose of the event. Depending on whether you are lighting a reception or a gala you may have completely different lighting needs. You may need to ask, "will there be a stage? a band? Does the bartender need light?" The attention you spend on lighting can make the space your best friend or worst enemy.  With Airstars, you can wrangle even the most unyielding environment under your control. They set up in minutes and go almost anywhere. 

One of the other great qualities of an Airstar is that it can become one more canvas for your brand or event messaging. We've used Airstar balloons and arches as illuminated signage during outdoor evening events. We can even have your company name and logo printed on custom decals which can be placed on the balloons as well. 

The first impression of these balloons when guests arrive at an event is impressive since they are such an unconventional light source. They truly bring a touch of creativity and fun to every event on which they are included. To learn more about all the possibilities of Airstar balloons you can visit their catalog at or visit our specialty lighting page. Remember that your event needs more than just gear, you need a trusted partner that cares about helping you deliver the best events, your event needs Fastlane Productions!

Tiffany Chapman